Personally Quiz

For my first quiz I did what wild cat I am, I am a mountain lion.

For my second quiz I did what ice cream flavor am I, and I got chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.

For my third quiz I took the quiz what ocean animal am I, and I got a Hammer head Shark. 

20 Things I Wanna Do Before I’m 20

20 things I want to do before I’m 20 are…

  1. Learn to drive

             Click here

2. Sky dive

3. Travel to Germany

4. Get a leopard gecko and name it Jeffery

Click Here to see a video of a Leopard Gecko


5. Climb mount Everest

6. Get a job

7. Go to the Olympics for swimming



8. Be in a band



9. Learn many languages



10. Snow board

11. Surf with sharks


12. Read a long book

13. Learn how football works

14. Destroy Siri and make a new smart phone computer

15. Meet any famous celebrities

16. Get on a professional soccer team

17. Get in a good college

18. Go to Peru and hike to Mach Pichu and see a llama

19. Become a human rights activist  

20. Be in a marvel movie

Apple Product Poll Results

Hi everyone here are the results to the favorite Apple product poll. The most popular Apple product was AirPods surprisingly.You would think that the different iPhones would have been the favorite. Or the Mac books, or even the AirPod Pros. But no the favorite were the AirPods. My favorite Apple product is the iPhone 12.

Victor Emporium

The Victor Emporium has the best huckleberry milkshakes and chocolate milkshakes. The Victor Emporium is located in Victor Idaho.

This is one of the milkshake.

The Brakeman American Grill is located right next to the Victor Emporium. The Brakemen has the best Burgers and fries.

This is a burger and fries.

The Victor Emporium is also a shop so while you wait for your milkshakes you can shop. The Brakemen Grill gives so many french fries with your order that sometimes it over flows the plate. You can stop at the Brakemen Grill and Victor Emporium After you visit Jackson Hole in Wyoming because it is only a 20 minute drive. I would give it a 4 out of 5 stars.

My Family

Hi this is my family. I have 6 people in my family.  My brother Izaak he is 7 he loves to play Minecraft. My brother Jake he is 14 he’s on a swim team. My sister Kallie she is 10 and loves to dance. My Mom is a funeral Director. My Dad is an accountant.

Get To Know Me!

Hi my name is Layla Anderson. Four words that describe me are funny, kind, loud, and smart. My favorite subject in school is science because I love learning about the universe and how things work. The word that is most cringy to me is scrape. If I were a sea animal I would be a sailfish so I could be the fastest fish in the ocean. My favorite thing to do is play the drums. If I could live in any fictional world, I would live in the world of “Star Wars” why, because it would be cool to space travel and fight people with lightsabers.

This is my Avatar